Wake Journal – whof Award Ceremony Spread

Wake Journal – whof Award Ceremony Spread

We’d like to give a BIG shout out to Wake Journal for adding our awards ceremony at Expo in their digital publication! If you’d like to subscribe to Wake Journal (and trust us, you do), simply go here.

Screenshots from the issue:

WakeJournal_202_Ballast3 WakeJournal_202_Ballast2 WakeJournal_202_Ballast1 WJ_Issue202_Square2



Chris Hawkins

Chris has been an avid wakeboarder for more than 15 years and has over 16 years of experience in web development and graphic design. He currently serves on the board of directors and helps with web development and marketing for the WHF. You can contact Chris at chris(at)hawkdigitalsolutions(dot)com